
 admin   2023-10-30 02:30   31 人阅读  0 条评论

立春日天气冷案 The weather was very hot, we have ice cream? We have no ice cream, only the watermelon. We have coke, but not the cool. Okay! Please give me a bottle of orange juice..

yk第一孤寡红娘案 sizzling/severeheat酷热 scorchingsun烈日、骄阳 blisteringsummerday炎炎夏日 torridsun灼热的太阳 sultryweather湿热难耐的天气 heatup升温 stiflinglyhot闷热 hotandhumid

这个小镇有多少条河案 Today is a hot day. What a hot day today!

紫山药的种植方法和时间The summer's weather is very hot.

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