扎赉特旗杨树沟林场天气案 I promise this would never happen again. 其实老外,没那么怪,祝你好运
开心餐具拆箱视频案 道歉 [dào qiàn] apologize; make an apology; square oneself; amende;
清明下雨广州天气案 I am so sorry.真对不起;I apologize for what I have done.我为我所做的道歉
加菲猫动画片细节案 道歉I'm so sorry. 回It doesn't matter.
老板备注数字案 正式点的apologize 简单点的话sorry
金星天蝎座是什么月份案 sorry or I'am sorry
大暴雨果园管理案 1. I am sorry. 抱歉。 2. be sorry 抱歉 3. I very sorry. 的确抱歉。 4. Very sorry. 非常抱 8. I really apologize for that. 非常抱歉。 9. feel very sorry 十分抱歉 10. Sorry to bother/
春节日记200 300字案 一楼说得对。 另外,不用道歉,只用解释一下重发的原因就行了。通常为 It could be something wrong, the mail has been returned back. I have to resend to you. Please