
 admin   2023-10-15 20:30   43 人阅读  0 条评论

儿童吃钙片会长高吗Here, the weather awful

韶关坪坑天气案 weather n. 天气; 气候; 恶劣天气 (某种)处境, 状况 [常用复](不管某人命运的)盛衰 fine weather 好天气 windy weather 有风的天气 expect some weather 预计天气要

巴黎天气逐小时案 The Bad Weather The weather of these days is really bad. It's foggy and there is haze in the air. So, we can't see the things very far. Every morning, when I pull back the

污染天气温分析at the bad weather 在恶劣的天气 at the bad weather 在恶劣的天气

一起摇摆美女唱歌案 weather: [ 'weðə ] n. 天气,气候,气象 经历……而幸存 例句与用法 1. What is the weather like today? 今天天气情况怎样? 2. Teak weathers to a greyish colour. 柚木


郎溪今天夜里天气案 天气不好极了 The weather is the worst.

齐鲁医院专家号流程案 Harsh weather like this.应该用harsh比较好,因为是“恶劣的”,而不只是不好的。要是不好的,用bad就可以。

属蛇各星座“What fine weather it is!”和“How fine the weather is!”

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