
 admin   2023-10-15 14:30   46 人阅读  0 条评论

抖音城市号案 the weather that in china is different australia 给出的单词多了个in吧!

钢城台子庄天气Northern China is south haze weather is rainy weather in English

这几天什么天气冷案 中国是一个很大的国家。不同的地方有不同种天气。当你在中国旅游的时候,你最好查一下天气预报。现在以一些地方为例三月的北京相当冷,而且风大,然后到了四月

showers是什么天气案 中国是一个伟大的国家,不同的地区有不同的气候。当决定到中国旅游时,你最好查看一下当地的气候。现在就一下地方打个比方。比如三月的北京有时是非常寒冷的,而

惠州南海天气different places ,different weather或 There is different weather in different places.


2021上海全年天气案 In China, the weather is different in a year 在中国,天气是不同的在一年里

徐州天气 雾霾案 The weather is different in the different place in China 还可以说 There are different places with different weather in China

今年兰州春节天气案 the weather in Shanghai is different from that in Beijing. 本人英语六级已过,绝对人工翻译!!!


叙利亚当地天气案 The weather in the south is different from the north. The southern weather is different from the northern weather.

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