
 admin   2023-10-11 16:30   55 人阅读  0 条评论

cad的安装目录在哪里案 prepare to do sth

偏爱跟例外才是生活的救赎案 plan to do sth be about to do sth

在哪里可以看到海豚表演案 准备好做某事 be ready for doing something be ready to do something (or) be prepared for + Ving (或名词)

秦老太产品竞争对手方面plan to do something be going to do something prepair to do/ doing sth

狗狗看到主人被洪水困住案 prepare to do sth 注 prepare 英 [prɪˈpeə(r)] 美 [prɪˈper] vt. 准备; 预备(饭菜); 配备; 使(自己)有准备; vt. 筹备,进行各项准备工作; 做好思想准备; 作

be ready to help others

怀孕了可以吃煮鸡蛋吗案 get ready for sth/get ready to do sth prepare for sth/make preparations for sth be about to do sth be going to do 这是将要做某事(含准备意)

代县天气实时播报案 准备做某事 prepare to do sth. / plan to do sth.

老王山天气预告案 be ready to do sth prepare to do sth be about to do sth be going to do sth

回家看看经典老歌案 be/get ready to do sth均可表达准备做某事。n_n


会宁县天气明天案 你好, 可以说be going to do sth 也可以说plan to do sth

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