
 admin   2023-10-09 14:30   30 人阅读  0 条评论


大足石刻历史天气How is the weather today? Is it sunny, cloudy or raining? 小朋友,并分别画上太阳 云朵 和雨滴

疱疹角膜炎的治疗方法案 A: What's the weather like today?今天天气怎么样? B:It's rather windy today.今天风很大。 A:But the weather is better than yesterday. 但是今天的天气比昨天好。 B: Yes, it's

应钟夷则小剧情就是写作文 National Day Holidays I went to my cousin's house on the first day of the holidays and got a piece of good news that his wife was pregnant;She said she's

潮州天气饶干案 《Five Little Ducks》五只小鸭子 (一)Five little ducks Went out one day 一天五只小鸭出了门 Over the hills and far away 翻过小山走了很远 Mother duck said Quack,


坏天气全部作品案 教学目标1.能熟练地认识单词。 2.利用单词组合句子,能用英语进行交流。 教学重难点知道五种天气以及这五种天气中小朋友们有些怎样的活动用英语流利的表达。


权威发布海宁天气I am a dynamic figure and I think I am capable of this job. From my point of view, the key to being a successful teacher is the devotion to the kids and the eternal patience.

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