
 admin   2023-10-04 16:30   50 人阅读  0 条评论

黎小宝最新消息案 http://www.bioon.com/exam/english/dialogues/200507/143183.html1. A: Beautiful day, Well, the worst of the winter should be over.(“网络英语”)还有一些单句 比如1)It's a

张东升成长经历案 小学水平?? Today is Sunday.There were some clouds in the sky in the morning.In the afternoon,the weather was cool and windy.At night,the weather was cool,too.So

南阳天气顾报案 Today is a beautiful day, the weather is very good also. In the sunny sky cloudless, after the heavy rain yesterday, hot and uncomfortable breath was washed out in the air, cool.

装一个防盗门多少The weather is+表天气状况的词+表程度的副词 It's+同上 windy有风的 sunny阳光明媚的 cloudy多云的 rainy有雨的 snowy有雪的 dry干燥的 wet湿润的 例如It's raining

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