脸上一直反复过敏红肿what sort weather china have?
如何形容邯郸天气案 天冷啊,人们都在床上。 It's cold in the south, people are in bed. It's cold in the north too, people are in bed. So you can see, it's cold every where and everybody is in bed.
天天天气图标案 Sam got up at six yesterday, and then go to the park by bicycle, he had a good time in the park, noon and parents in the lunch at McDonald's. Afternoon he and his
揭阳榕城实时天气案 夏天的天气真是多变。中午还是烈日当空,火辣辣的太阳高高地挂在空中,热得知了“知了、知了”地叫个不停,热得小狗吐出舌头“哈哈”地直喘气。谁知到了下午,天
再也请不起演员阵容案 It's cold in the south, people are in bed. It's cold in the north too, people are in bed. So you can see, it's cold every where and everybody is in bed. Well, it's good to be in bed!