
 admin   2024-01-08 14:30   80 人阅读  0 条评论

今天气价回落了吗广播说天气随后将变冷。The radio says the weather will get cold later.

信宜最新新闻案 It(The weather) gets colder and colder while the winter's coming. 用it显得口语化一点,指代weather,不过看你喜欢罗。 当冬天将要来临,天气愈发的冷。

南宁天气新闻播报员案 案是天气将阴冷潮湿。

苏州最近天气预案 冬天来了.天气很冷.Winter is coming. The weather is very cold.望采纳!谢谢!

手机屏幕咋显示天气案 现在天气变得越来越冷了. It's getting colder and colder now 重点词汇 现在天气present weather 变得 越来越increasingly; more and more

展翅飞翔放飞自我抖音号案 The weather is so cold !谢谢

王者骚一点的名字案 it's going to be cold for the next few days it's going to be chilly for the next few days it's going to keep cold for the next few days

虹的尽头有什么案 the weather may be wet and cold the weather may be wet and cold。

黄陂区政府网三农公示案 天气变得更冷了 It gets even colder. 祝开心,望采纳!


换驾照体检需要空腹吗案 The weather will become be cold today.

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