
 admin   2023-12-19 14:30   86 人阅读  0 条评论

神秘的休息方法案 There is going to be heavy rain the day after tomorrow. 或 There will be heavy rain the day after tomorrow. 祝你学习进步,更上一层楼! (*^__^*) 不明白的再哟,请及时

苹果怎么查询天气案 后天有小雨,气温15度到19度。

肉桂和凤梨有什么区别案 语法来说,两者都没错,但是如果要天气,可以说第一句是错的,这么说,外国人一般听不懂,所以我觉得还不如直接告诉楼主第一句是错的,以后提天气不要这么用

天气冷不出燃气案 today the temperature is+温度 ,is a sunny(或别的形容词) day tomorrow the temperature will be+温度 ,is a sunny(或别的形容词) day the day after tomorrow the

香零山天气案 How is the weather the day after next day? How is the weather the day after tomorrow? 总之天气如何有两种表达方法How is the weather What is the weather like “后天

天气丹自生精华案 My favorite weather Different people like different weather . My favorite weather is What weather do you like? 天气分很多种,例如雪天、雨天、晴天等等,我最喜欢的天

天气不好后背疼痛案 现在播送后天的天气预报目前一股暖湿气流缓慢移向本市,预计后天凌晨我市普降中到大雨,局部地区暴雨。请大家外出带好雨具注意防范。

天气停止下雨英语The day before yesterday(前天) is fifth.The day after tomorrow(后天) is ninth.Congratulation(祝贺你).pay the mone back(还).

天津车牌价格案 today's temperature is 26 degree.the weather is good.it's a sunny day. tomorrow's 25degree.it will be a windy day ,too. (具体的摄氏度和天气的形容词可以自己换。望采纳


tvb天气先生重播案 Guangzhou the day after tomorrow weather will be sunny and cool 广州后天的天气将睛朗又凉爽

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