
 admin   2023-10-01 22:30   28 人阅读  0 条评论

襄阳康盛天气案 I've died. 我已经死了(感觉是刚刚才死的那种) I've been dead. 和 I'm already dead. 我已经死了(一般好像已经死了一段时间了;两句都是这个意思;前面的那句死亡时间

西安大学原来的名字案 Before I already dead 请采纳 谢谢

学姐给我发照片案 dead是死亡了的意思,是指生命特征完全消失,如果用dead来表示,不论过去和现在你已经是死人了。你想表达的意思是你焕然一新了,所以用The old me has been left in

澄清一下英文案 1. The past is dead, and the future is yours.2. The past is dead, the future is yours.3. The past has passed by, the future is yours.

结缘网是真的么案 I'm dead. I died. Life has escaped from me. =.=

3月南澳天气案 哈哈,其实你想的就是一般过去式跟现在完成态的区别。 He died 26 ago.He has died since 12 years ago. 一般过去时,后接具体时间点,26 ago,26年前现在完成时

全县种植油菜案 Yesterday's me has already died

命理师谈双子座恋爱好吗案 你好 !我的译句如下 I who was in th past has died.

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