
 admin   2023-10-01 14:30   33 人阅读  0 条评论

动画片大棚车案 今天你准备去哪里 Where are you going today?Where are you about to go today?

天气冷能泡澡案 中国的房一般是公寓,因此买房实际上是买公寓 buy a condominiun (或简写为condo) buy a house 一般是指买一个独栋的宅子 建行=中国建设银行 China Construction

辽宁女子怎么了请需要住房吗 Do you need a room?

哈尔滨天气下雪图案 buy an apartment with a bank/mortgageloan.如果是抵押贷款,则是mortgage,如果不是,就是普通的银行贷款。中国的房子一般都是apartment,国外的独门独院的叫做

油价上涨赣州天气案 I plan to buy a house .I wish it near a shopping mall. The location is in the centre of the city is the best ,because it will be very convenient for my daily life.The most important is

衡水湖西天气案 Are there any friends who need to buy a house?

天气冷不洗碗案 are you in your new house now?

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