
 admin   2023-11-26 04:30   58 人阅读  0 条评论

缪家幸福广场案 I will always be with you. I will always be alongside. I will be together with you forever.

有浪漫细胞的男人案 嗯,这个句子我们翻译课上练过。 我的译文是 Wherever you will be , my heart 这种表达情感的句子,关键是要重注意思的传达,并不一定要字字对应。 “我会陪你我直

明天惠阳区天气案 No matter what happens, I will be always by your side!

天气冷骑车暖和吗案 I like you and I will always be with you. 我喜欢你我会一直陪着你 What I want to hear most is that you tell me personally, Be my boyfriend. Talking about a vigorous love, will

贵阳天气变换方向案 I will be you side until I leave. 在我离开之前我都会一直陪着你。


油价今日长沙天气案 标准的 I will always be with you 经常听外国人说的

炮台天气一周天气预报案 I will stay here with you.我会在这里留下来陪著你。

高碑店天气还有雪案 i'll be with u 4 ever n ever

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