
 admin   2023-11-21 08:30   48 人阅读  0 条评论


现在河北正阳天气给你几篇参考一下,自己修改1 周末是我最开心的时候,不仅可以不用去上学,而且 星期六的上午和下午,我得到校外老师那儿去学画画和书法,时间过得真快,仿佛是

那些树不易被风吹倒案 按照西方人,就是周末是星期6,西方人的第一天是我们的星期天 而就我们来看,周末是星期5,星期6.7叫大礼拜,双休。

驱散阴霾天气晴really had a busy and happy weekend. On Saturday morning, I got up early. My parents and I visited the park a bit far from our home. We climbed the mountain,

龙岗车间降温厂家案 满意回 I usually have a busy and interesting weekend. I usually do my homework on Saturday morning and then help my parents do some housework. In the afternoon, I



血脂2.76需要吃药吗案 我的周末的一天作文 I had a happy weekend last week. On Saturday morning, I watched TV and helped my mother wash clothes. 上周我过了一个愉快的周末。星期六早上

晴空蓝色羽绒服案 I had a nice day on the weekend. In the morning I saw a film. The film is moving and I liked it very much. At noon, I cooked the meal for my mother. In the afternoon, I went to the

西双版纳种植红枫案 先写开头,这一天你过的如何,其次写你都做了什么,感觉如何,最后写个结尾点题,就OK了


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