
 admin   2023-11-17 00:30   54 人阅读  0 条评论

调查队三农普工作总结The weather becomes warm in spring. 望您及时采纳案,谢谢!

恩平花海世界天气案 天气变的越来越暖和了。翻译成英文是The weather is getting warmer and warmer.相关短语warmer and warmer 越来越暖和 双语例句Spring is coming, and the

揭阳地区全年天气案 天气变暖和了 The weather is getting warm

烟台龙口地区天气案 The weather gets warm when spring comes~

火山怎样不会爆发案 The weather is becoming warmer and warmer. 望采纳

zydst天气预报案 您好! The weather is(getting warmer). 天气变得暖和了.

临临天气预案 相当暖和,是不是?Pretty warm, isn't it?天气变得相当暖和。The weather is getting quite warm.今天相当暖和, 但是并不热。It's quite warm today, but it's not hot.今天相当

观云天气广告The climate is much warmer.

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