天气痘痘怎么去案 Here's a weather report.There'll be a strong wind around the Huai River.It will be fine the day after tomorrow,and the temperature will get down.It'll be from 5℃ to 10℃.It'll be
天气冷的瀑布案 We are looking at a pretty typical summer weather for the rest of the week, with the temperature roaming around the mid twenties and sunshine all the way through the
甘海子隧道天气案 去百度文库,查看完整内容>
蓝色预警blue alert
一般是24h之内出现某种灾害性天气,程度最轻预警yellow alert
钓鱼用天气软件案 holle,here is reprot of china.Beijing,one to eleven degrees Celsius Xi'an,three to twelve degrees Celsius Shanghai,six tofifteendegreesCelsius Harbin,minus eight to one