
 admin   2023-11-16 06:30   48 人阅读  0 条评论

德清7号天气案 Now i am busy studying for the test.

西西软件天气软件案 1.我们不确定他是否会来。(not sure) We are not sure if he will come.2.学生们正忙着准备下周的考试。(be up to)。 The students are up to preparing the exam in the next

有关浙江卫视案 Were busy preparing for the final exam, physical and mental pressure as well 。谢谢!! 满意请采纳

地图壁纸遂宁天气案 I 'm busy preparing for the exam 有不明白的地方再哟,祝你学习进步,更上一层楼! (*^__^*)

泰国肉身活佛是真的吗案 Students are busy perparing for the final exam


近日惠城区天气同学,为你解alex要尽最大努力为期末考试做准备 翻译为Alex has to try his best to prepare for the final exam 如果认可和满意我的回复,请点击【采纳为满意回】按

夏邑天气一周天气15天案 They are preparing for the English exam翻译成中文是 他们正在准备英语考试 例句1.We are preparing our english exam.我们正在准备英语考试。2.They are busy

肚子饿症状案 for the past two years,I've been busy preparing for the exam.

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