英语 好天气,英语天气预报图

 admin   2023-11-12 16:30   26 人阅读  0 条评论

已经没有未来可言案 The weather is fine.或 It's a fine day.

祈福辟邪壁纸案 fine day 说天气一般都是说day,是说怎么样的天,就是指天气

天气软件的下载案 Good weather

广岛到上海直接托运案 The Good Weather Today The weather today is fine. It has rained for several days. It'e79fa5e98193e78988e69d8331333337373730s extremely cold and wet these days.

洗头后风吹头皮发紧案 what a wonderful weather! how wonderful the weather is! 第二个能更好的体现出对英语的灵活使用。

猩猩被病感染The weather is nice. The weather is fine. What a nice weather! How nice the weather is!

安顺石头寨天气案 Fine weather 或者 It's a nice day!

榆次天气几点下雨案 今天天气很好 The Good Weather Today The weather today is fine. It has rained for several days. It's extremely cold and wet these days. So I can't go out to play with my

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