
 admin   2023-11-12 14:30   49 人阅读  0 条评论

心安的是自己案 让学生收集报纸上的天气预报,第二天把学生收集到的放在一个小纸箱里然后然一个学生随便抽出一张,接着老师来用英语介绍天气并且让学生效仿。(我只是一个中学

天气预报树皮案 Nanjing Spring I am a person of Nanjing. Nanjing is one of the four ancient city. Every spring, sunny, then rainy.Spring, mild climate, is a good time outing.When the weekend

天气潮湿胃不舒服案 Eastern China will see pleasant weather for the most part as dry air maintains its hold on the region. A few clouds are possible throughout Northeastern China and the Korean

辽鲁天气与温度案 Weather forecastWeather forecastWith the popular language, the rich chart 英语翻译《天气预报》《天气预报》是用通俗的语言,丰富的图文解读天气,用最快

珠海阴雨绵绵的天气案 1.What's the weather like? 2.How's the weather?

河北天气忽冷忽热吗案 cloud cloudy wind windy rain rainy sun sunny

胸口痒早期症状案 Tere is a weather report! In Sunday ,it is going to be sunny and winday in the morning the good weather is coming !!!翻译这里是天气预报。在星期天 , 早上将是晴

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